Squashforbundet / Kalender / Kurs: Trener 1

Kurs: Trener 1

sep - 2021
Åsane Squashklubb
kl. 09:00

Slutt: 04.09.2021  kl. 17:00

Arrangør: Norges Squashforbund

Norges Squashforbund, sammen med Matt McFahn arrangerer TRENER 1-kurs i Bergen førstkommende lørdag (4.9.2021).
Han skal holde squash trener 1 kurs i Åsane Arena lørdag 4. september 2021 fra kl. 09:00-17:00.

Trener 1 kurset koster 1000,- Dette er et kurs i regi av Norges Squashforbund, som vil gi spillerne mulighet til å trene nybegynnere i squash.

Level 1 kurset vil i tillegg til trenerkunnskap, gi deg innsikt og erfaring som kan føre til at du forbedrer ditt eget spill. Matt kommer fra England, så kurset holdes derfor på engelsk. Jeg kan anbefale kurset.

👇 Under ser du mer informasjon om Level 1 kurset:
NSqF. Trener 1
Date: Saturday 4th September 2021
Venue: Åsane Squash
Time: 9am to 5pm
Cost: 1000NOK
Tutor: Matt McFahn
The NSqF Trener 1 is the entry level course for coaching squash in Norway.
The Trener 1 course will cover the following:
· Court and player Safety
· Warm up
· The correct grip and swing
· Understanding the key areas of how to coach
(Make it fun / safety / engage with people / be organised / demonstrations / explain what you want / give feedback)
· Understanding the technical aspect of the 6 main shots
(Drive / Boast / volley / dropshot / lob / Serve & Return)
· How to organise groups of beginner / novice players
· How to deliver fun games for junior players
· How to begin to identify mistakes players are making and correct them
A successful outcome for candidates is to attend the course and participate in all activities. There is no assessment or exam.
Playing standard is not assessed, this course is designed to be accessible to all levels of Squash player who want to take their first steps into coaching and those who want to build their confidence to help out at club activities.
The minimum age for this course is 14 years (exceptions for 13 years old if established squash players).

To register or for further information please register by initially sending an email to:
Elin Blikra: elin@blikra.no
Matt McFahn: mattmcfahn@thesquashteam.com

We will register players on the NIF Idrettskurs site prior to the course starting
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Matt

Håper alle som har anledning- og lyst blir med! 🙂