Selv om de norske lagene er ferdig påmeldt, er ikke laguttakene ferdigstilte enda. Landslagstrener og sportssjef, Mahesh Mangaonkar, har jobbet tett på trening med flere av de aktuelle utøverne og ser frem til turneringene.
- I am immensely proud of the dedication and efforts our players are putting in as leading up to the European Juniors Championships. This will be my first time travelling with the team at the ETC, and I’m really excited to see how they perform on an international stage. We are currently preparing the eligibility and criteria for selecting the team. We should have a final list of players by mid-Feb. The selection criteria will be based on player’s long-term commitment and dedication of staying in the national team, amount of training volume they put in on a weekly/monthly basis, and aspects where player’s have proved themselves that they deserve the spot in the national team will be considered. I’m really looking forward to communicating this with the players, forteller landslagstreneren.